June Update
Procedures for your upcoming dental appointment with Laguna Creek Family Dentistry
Dear Patients of Laguna Creek Family Dentistry,
Our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients, families, staff and community. Given the current environment with COVID-19, we have implemented the following changes in our office that we want you to be aware of:
· Patients will be screened using a questionnaire, both when making an appointment and again when you arrive.
· Patients will be instructed to fill an online questionnaire 2 days prior to your scheduled appointment.
· Appointments will be managed to allow for physical distancing between patients. This might mean patients
are offered fewer options for appointment times.
· The practice may use telehealth (virtual or phone appointments) in order to limit a patient’s need
to physically be in the office.
· Patients are asked to not bring others into the dental practice, unless they are parents or guardians of patients who
are minors or are special needs patients. If someone accompanies a patient, they will be asked to wait
in their vehicle or outside the office.
· Patients are asked to wear a mask while in the office.
· Hand sanitizer will be available for their use before and after touching items in the office.
We look forward to seeing you back in the office soon.
Dr. Pon, Dr. SooHoo, Shirley, Cathy, Monica, Margie, Karen, Susie, Amy and Lindsey